maandag 13 januari 2025

A la maison en hiver ;)

I don't like non-opaque tights. For me they are too feminine. And, when it's winter, thick tights are simply the best option to keep my legs warm. Also when I am inside our house in the heart of Gennes-Val-de-Loire. A house that dates back to the 1850s. It is still in its "jus" as we say in french. Not every piece is always heated - especially the huge staircase can be cold. No problem - when I wear these soft cream coloured cotton tights. The comfortable soft canvas shoes, I found them many years ago on the internet, like the shorts.

vrijdag 10 januari 2025

Winter legs ;)

Many years ago I bought these knitted tights. They're warm and comfortable, and look great with wide black shorts and black shoes.

maandag 6 januari 2025

My shoes...

...are a bit special. I like to wear open shoes. Why? Because they are great to wear, they are comfortable, and they do not 'cut' the look: the leg continues visually into the foot. So called ballet flats are my favourites. This kind of ancient footwear was once worn mainly by males. Nowadays, few men are wearing them. But I am one of them. With or without straps or ribbons, with a huge platform or no platform at all, bright coloured, white or simply black, glossy or matte...

The ones on the photos are my favourites at the moment. I like the male look, the very high platform (10 cm). They are great to wear with white tights, because inside they're also white.



Me in my 17th century woodworkshop, but not in the clothes I wear when working there ;). On the superb photos of french photographer Gabrielle Anna I am wearing bright red tights, very high platform ballet flats with a large ankle strap (Angelic Imprint), shorts (Katia le Dreff), a black bodystocking (to keep the tights in place, once used to wear them, it's very comfortable. But few men wear them. Mines are male versions especially made for me by an Etsy seller), a bright red pull, and a black kind of t-shirt created by Katia le Dreff.

maandag 30 december 2024


 ...or better: cream coloured opaque tights. I wear them often with black high platform shoes and black, wide shorts.

maandag 28 oktober 2024

dinsdag 9 augustus 2022

woensdag 22 december 2021

Honderd en zes



Du blanc !

Ik houd van kleding die -zeker voor mannen- van de al twee eeuwen heersende grauwgrijze saaiheid afwijkt. Verbeter de wereld, dus begin bij jezelf. En dus heb ik deze grappige schoenen. Inderdaad, wit. Met stevige zwarte plateauzolen. En ze zitten geweldig.

J'aime bien les vêtements qui -surtout pour les hommes- osent de quitter les sentiers battus, déjà deux siècles dominés par les formes et les couleurs laides... Améliorer le monde, ça commence par soi-même, donc je porte ces chaussures. Et oui, elles sont blanches. Avec des plateaus en noir. Elles se portent superbement faciles.

maandag 31 mei 2021

Honderd vijf

Ik heb er een tijd over nagedacht. Maar uiteindelijk heb ik ze laten maken. Rode schoenen. G

een donkerrood, of bruinig rood, maar echt rood. Voor de foto even met een rode maillot, maar ik ga ze alleen dragen in combinatie met zwart. Anders wordt het te rood :)

I thought about them for some time. But, finally I ordered them. Red shoes. Real red, not marroon, not bordeaux red. Only for the picture I wear them with red tights. But in daily life I will wear them with black. Otherwise it will become too red ;)

dinsdag 2 juni 2020

Honderd vier

"Combinaison" by Katia le Dreff
Black tights
shoes made by Gert Buurman

Honderd drie

t'shirt, Tokk-tokk, Germany
sirt Katia le Dreff, France
ballet flats with ankle straps

Honderd twee

Balloon skirt and black&white tights

woensdag 20 mei 2020

Honderd één

An wonderful, renaissance-inspired outfit, created by Katia le Dreff.

maandag 11 september 2017


A male balloon skirt!

Negen en negentig

My favourite clothing: Top and matching shorts in black linen. A creation by Katia Le Dreff, Bretagne, France. Like most of my clothing. I wear the shorts or skirts always with thick cotton tights, sometimes leggings in summer. To avoid too much black, I chose also grey, dark blue, brown or bordeaux red. When I am in a good mood, also brighter colours, or patterned tights. Even white ones. They go amazingly well with my shoes. These "male ballet flats" which I wear nearly always, with different platform heights, are made to measure for me by different shoe makers.

woensdag 8 juni 2016

Acht en negentig

New shoes ! Their platform height of 15 cm does not allow any fast moving, but they fit perfectly.